Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai
Anaheim, California, April 3, 1993
(Originally in English)
Anaheim, California, April 3, 1993
(Originally in English)
Q: Dear Master, when we have problems, how do we know which are fixed karma and which are tests from Master?
M: Actually there is no testing for us; we test ourselves. Just like when we have some hardship, we say, "Oh, God has tested me!" It is not true. It is because of our karma, because of our tendency toward the negative way that we experience hardships. So, the only way is to turn back to the positive, and then we will experience a different way. We can do this through self-discipline or prayer. Then we can turn everything into a better way. Whether it's karma or God testing us, it will become better.
Karma and Prayer
Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai
Harvard Univ. U.S.A. February 24, 1991
(Originally in English)
Harvard Univ. U.S.A. February 24, 1991
(Originally in English)
Q: Can we reduce our karma by praying?
M: Yes, we can if we are sincere enough, because a very sincere and deep prayer is a kind of meditation. We are in a meditative mood and therefore it reaches the deepest recesses of our great store, our merit and our blessing store. And it affects our karma; it cleanses it. Only if you are truly sincere and deeply longing for forgiveness, does it help.
Karma of a Couple
Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai
San Paolo, Brazil, June 18, 1989
(Originally in English)
San Paolo, Brazil, June 18, 1989
(Originally in English)
Q: How does one understand the karma of a couple?
M: If the couple is in harmony, then they have a good karma. If the couple is in strife every day, then you know what kind of karma that is. It is easy to understand, no? If it's in harmony, then be happy. If it's not in harmony, then try to adjust and be tolerant to avoid next time coming back again as a very undesirable karmic couple.
Tolstoy had a very terrible wife. You know Leo Tolstoy of "War and Peace"? He had a terrible wife, so it is told. Every day she nagged, cursed, scolded, and even beat him and threw him out sometimes. One day, his friend couldn't bear it any longer, so he asked Tolstoy, "Why don't you kick that devil out of your house and then you'll have peace?" Tolstoy said, "Shhhhh! Don't talk so loud. Last life, I did that already. Therefore, it got worse this time. I don't dare to do it."The more you struggle, the worse the situation becomes. So just accept anything as given by God, try to get through it, and train yourself in patience, tolerance, and loving thy enemy. Even as wise a man as Tolstoy couldn't deal with his terrible wife, so we ordinary beings had better keep silent. Silence!
Cause of Actions
Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai
Hong Kong, February 20, 1992
(Originally in English)
Hong Kong, February 20, 1992
(Originally in English)
Q: Suppose I'm doing something; how do you know it's karma causing me to do it or if I'm making new karma?
M: It's hard to tell now because we are very deep into the trouble, so just try your best to avoid what you can avoid and to finish what you have to finish - what you cannot avoid. Also, you can tell sometimes whether it's new or old karma like this: if something happens to you and you cannot avoid it no matter how much you dislike it, that is old karma. Surely the force of karma is forcing you to do these things. If there is something you can avoid, but you like to do it by your own will, then you know you are creating trouble, new karma. You know that it is wrong and you can avoid it but you still want to do it, then you know you're getting into trouble. If it's a good thing, of course you do it and forget it, thinking that it's God, Who is doing a good thing to benefit others through you, and then it's fine. But if you know it is a wrong thing and you still deliberately want to do it even though you can avoid it, that is new karma and surely you'll have trouble.
Karma and the Environment
Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai
Harvard University, February 24, 1991
(Originally in English)
They asked me, because I'm Aulacese, (I was born in Au Lac), apart from promising that I will help people like the refugees and offer some kind of symbolic help, if I have any kind of plan to raise the standard of living of Au Lac, make the people richer, for example, or stabilize the economic and political situation. I said, "Yes, I have a plan. I tell all the Aulacese people to practice the Quan Yin Method, and then the country will change."Harvard University, February 24, 1991
(Originally in English)
But I have no plan in the physical way because we cannot change the environment if our karma has not changed. Our environment is the result of our karmic pattern. If the environment could be changed through an enlightened Master's power, then the Buddha would have changed it long ago. When He was still on Earth, His country was at war also, and the people are still in poverty even up till now. So, they can't blame me if I don't change the Au Lac people's situation. The Buddha couldn't and even Jesus couldn't; They were greater in history and had more followers than I. If They couldn't do it, how can I?
We have to change our way of thinking, our conceptions, and then the environment will change. The kingdom of God is within us. This means if we know the kingdom of God within, then everything is the kingdom of God; if not, we cannot have the kingdom of God without. That's what the meaning of the "kingdom of God" is: God is within. Also, it is said in the Bible, Seek you first the Kingdom of Godand all other things shall be added unto you. And we seek all the other things first and ask the kingdom of God to be added unto them, to be one of those things only, and that is a perverted view.
So, there is no plan necessary for Au Lac except that the Aulacese or any country's citizens should change their viewpoint. They should raise their level of understanding and know the true conception. And that's the only plan that we should endeavor to bring forth.